General Policies
GP 001 - Procedure for submitting General Procedures (GPs) and Policy Interpretation Memoranda (PIMs
1:08:04 Changes to the Bylaws, General Procedures and PIM shall be adopted at any General Board Meeting by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors. Any member in good standing can propose a change(s) to the Bylaws, General Procedures and PIM.
General Procedures and PIMs are to submitted in writing (hand deliver, mail, or email) to the PGSA Parliamentarian. They should include the following information:
Name, address, phone number, & email of the person submitting
Whether the proposal is a General Procedure or a PIM
The title of the General Procedure or PIM
The text of the procedure or policy interpretation which addresses,
What is this about?
Who does this apply to?
When does it apply?
How is the procedure to be followed or policy interpreted?
Why is this important to clarify in a GP or PIM?
Where can the reader get more information?
The Parliamentarian is available to assist the author in preparing the proposed GP or PIM. When the document is ready, the Parliamentarian will send a copy via email to all PGSA Board members as pre-reading for the next scheduled General Board meeting. At each General Board meeting, the Parliamentarian will present to the Board any General Procedures or PIMs that have been submitted for their approval.
We have recently updated this Handbook to reflect several new procedures for the Club in light of various incidents that have occurred at other sports and nonprofit organizations. The purposes of these changes are twofold: to protect the assets of the Teams and to protect the Team Treasurers from suspicion of the misuse of funds. By being more transparent, hopefully there will be no justification for any accusations by disgruntled or suspicious parties. The new procedures include:
- Signing a nondisclosure You are required to keep all financial information confidential, even details you believe are of little or no consequence. You may not discuss financial affairs of any family with the Team Manager or coach, even if you are advised by those parties that they are aware of the situation. Use the Club Treasurer or Division VP as an intermediary. By remaining entirely discreet, there can be no question about the sensitivity of any information, even something seeming trivial.
- Team books are “owned” by the Club and are subject to review by the Club.
- Checking accounts are to be separate from personal checking We will assist in establishing team accounts.
- Periodically you will supply statements to families. Those can be sent through the mail, or delivered by hand to adults, or via email by copy and pasting each family’s statement individually so as to not reveal any other family’s account. This will maintain the confidentiality of all financial dealings.
Team Treasurer Duties
- Set up Team bank account (see below for bank information).
- Prepare a simple budget (with the assistance of the Coach and Manager) to help estimate the cash needs of the Team for tournament application fees, coach’s expenses, team building events, etc…
- Collect funds from families as required to cover expenses. Do not allow families to have a negative balance in their account which would cause other families to pay their expenses.
- Maintain a positive Team account balance at all times. It is recommended that each player have a minimum account balance at all times to cover any immediate or unforeseen expenses that may arise (this amount is at the discretion of the Team Treasurer but should be discussed and agreed upon by the Team).
- Pay Team expenses as needed.
- Reconcile bank accounts on a monthly basis.
- Maintain the “Account Balances” summary schedule (see “accounting spreadsheets” below).
- Distribute a “Statement of Account” and “Cost Summary” to all families on a quarterly basis or as requested (see “accounting spreadsheets” below).
- Upon completion of the season, prepare a final accounting for the Team and collect any amounts due or remit any remaining balances on account. Distribute a final “Statement of Account” to each family and to the Club Treasurer. In addition, provide the final “Cost Summary” to each family. (Note: see “Setting up Bank Accounts” below for season-to-season maintenance of bank accounts).
- If not continuing as Treasurer with the Team in the next season, please transfer the Bank Account to the new Treasurer.
Setting up Bank Accounts
Pleasanton RAGE has an affiliation with Chase Bank (was previously First Republic Bank) in downtown Pleasanton. They have generously offered to set up Team accounts free of charge and will include free checks. (Note: some charges still apply such as overdraft charges, etc.) When establishing the name to be printed on the checks, use “Pleasanton RAGE” followed by the birth year of the players. In order to differentiate the account names within the age group, please add “ECNL,” or “Premier.” If your team is designated by a color, add “Orange,” “Grey,” etc… after the birth year. Therefore the U16 Orange team would be “Pleasanton RAGE 2004 Orange.” This is to prevent confusion amongst the accounts at the bank. It is also recommended to exclude a printed address on the checks as Team Treasurers may change from season to season.
Maintaining Team Bank Accounts from Season to Season:
Chase Bank has requested that the Teams maintain their respective bank accounts from season to season where possible to help reduce their costs of providing this service to Pleasanton RAGE. A small amount (at least $100) left on deposit will prevent the account from being closed. It is recommended that you do not distribute balances (unless significant) until after placements unless a player will not be returning to the Club.
Accounting Spreadsheets- (can be downloaded at bottom of page)
RAGE has developed accounting spreadsheets that you may use to perform the accounting for your Team. They are a series of integrated Excel worksheets as follows:
- “Account Balances” summary schedule – this allows you to maintain a complete accounting for the Team on one The total should reconcile with the bank statement.
- Player Statements – these are worksheet tabs that take the data from the “Account Balances” summary schedule and automatically generate a statement for each player with their applicable receipts/expenses and their remaining account balance or balance due.
- “Cost Summary” – this worksheet tab also generates automatically from the “Account Balances” schedule and details the total expenses for the Team and the average cost per It also gives a breakdown of the costs summarized by category (tournament fees, uniforms, travel, and misc.). This worksheet is useful to the families so they can see exactly how their money was spent.
These spreadsheets can be downloaded from the RAGE Website by the Team Treasurers. If you need assistance in setting up your spreadsheets with your individual player information, or if you have any difficulties with the worksheets, you may contact If you do not have Excel or wish to use another form of accounting worksheets you may do so as long as the same basic information is reported. (Note: see attached copies of example Excel spreadsheets at bottom of this document).
Typical Financial Expenses
Although financial commitments vary by age group and Team, the following are typical financial expenses incurred by the Teams:
- Uniform Expenses – Uniforms must be ordered through Soccer Post. Each Team should choose a Uniform Coordinator and the parents will work with this person to order any necessary uniform items needed by the players on the Team. Upon ordering, payment will be made directly to Soccer Post by the individual families on each Team.
- Tournament/Jamboree Fees – Please coordinate with the Team Manager and Coach to provide payment for any Tournament/Jamboree applications made. These fees are to be paid by all families on a team with exceptions being:
- Excused absences approved ONLY by the Director of Coaching in consultation with the Coach.
- Due to injury for which team dues collection has been suspended.
- A doctor, in writing, has ordered a player to withdraw from an event due to illness.
- The team is part of a “pool” of players that exceeds a normal team size and the Coach is selecting the appropriate roster size for the event.
- Coach Travel Expenses – Coach travel is included in the Club dues, UNLESS you are attending an event that is not included in Club dues (see your Team’s seasonal plan). For events not included in Club dues, the Team Treasurer will work with the Team Manager and Coach to determine the estimated cost, including the application fee. The estimated cost must be collected before the event. The Coach will submit an expense report to the Team Treasurer for The exception is when the Coach is a Full-Time Staff member. In this case, the Club Bookkeeper will reimburse the Coach for expenses and bill the Team. (See below for links to reimbursement policies; please review.) Mileage reimbursement is based on the Federal Mileage Reimbursement rate.
- Miscellaneous Expenses – These may include items such as team bench or canopy, team bonding parties, laminating, etc… These items should be discussed as a Team and determined how they are to be handled.
- Note: Travel costs for the players and their families will be the responsibility of each family.
Delinquent Payments to the Club
Teams are responsible for making timely payments to the Club for any billed costs. Any Team that becomes delinquent in their payment may incur such penalties as the suspension of training until payment is made, or other such penalty as deemed appropriate by the RAGE Board.
Delinquent Payments to the Team
Occasionally a family may become delinquent in their payments to the Team Treasurer. The Club does not want the Team Treasurers to feel as though they must act as a collection agency on behalf of the Team and become frustrated with their duties. If a family is delinquent in their payment to the Team and reasonable efforts have been made to collect such payments, the Club will assist the Team Treasurer in the collection effort. Please contact the RAGE Treasurer for assistance in these matters. Penalties for the player may include suspension of the player from participating in training, practice, and games until their account balance with the Team is positive.
Roster Changes
From time to time there will be roster changes made after the beginning of the season which may have a financial impact on the Team.
- Player Additions – If a player is added to the Team, the added player’s family will be responsible for its share of Team expenses incurred from the date of its addition to the Team.
- Player Deletions – The player is responsible for their share of the Team’s expenses at least through the date they leave. Maintaining a minimum account balance reduces the risk of a player leaving with unpaid expenses.
- Guest Players – Guest Players are responsible for their own travel costs and a prorated portion of tournament expenses, such as Coach and Trainer travel reimbursement. See PIM 019.
- Injuries/Moving/other – This is subject to the current PIM on refunds for players injured and/or moving out of the area.
Payment Plans/Scholarships
The Club will consider hardships on a case by case basis. There is an amount of money set aside in the budget for such situations. The Club Treasurer handles requests for scholarships.
Team Fundraising must be approved by the RAGE Board. As a Club, we need to make sure we don’t violate Sponsor contracts. This includes Competing Sponsor uniform emblems or other advertising. The Club strongly encourages fundraising activities to reduce the cost of soccer and also for Team building purposes. See PIM 016.
Communications from the Club Treasurer and/or Bookkeeper to the Team Treasurers will be done primarily via e-mail. If you do not have access to e-mail, please let the Club Bookkeeper know so that other arrangements can be made.
Spreadsheet Assistance –
Club Treasurer –
Club Bookkeeper –
Club President –
Competitive VP –
Related Documents
- GP 002 – Accounting Spreadsheet Sample Download – In EXCEL Format
- GP 002 – Accounting Spreadsheet Instructions
- GP 002 – Addendum: Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy
- GP 002 Travel-Expense-Reimbursement-Form 2025 (Excel Document)
- PIM 025 – Employee Travel Reimbursement Policy – No Overnight Stay
- PIM 026 – Employee Travel Reimbursement Policy – Overnight Stay
Adopted 7/21/2003
Previous amendments implemented – dates not recorded
Amended 3/31/2006, 6/27/2007, 5/12/2010; 3/14/16; 2/22/17, 9/13/17; 7/02/18; 2/13/20; 11/21/24
The Club Treasurer, in collaboration with the Director of Coaching, Recreational Vice President, and Competitive Vice President, will develop a club budget. The Club Treasurer will present a first reading (for introduction) at a Board of Directors meeting at least 5 weeks prior to the first expected placement (tryouts) date. The budget will be made available to board members at least 3 days prior to the first reading. A second reading (for approval) will be held at least 3 weeks prior to the first placement and at least 1 week following the first reading. The budget will include the 2 year prior actuals, the current budget year approval vs. actual (estimated), and the proposed budget for the upcoming year for each revenue and cost line item included.
Cost Item | 2021 Actual | 2022 Budgeted | 2022 Projected | 2023 Proposed |
Referees – Overhead | $68,500 | $74,000 | $74,917 | $82,500 |
Adopted 7/21/2003 Amended 4/21/2005, 3/23/2006, 5/2/2012, 5/11/17, 9/12/23
In order to assure the safekeeping of the funds of the Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association, all funds must be held by an FDIC institution or invested in US Government obligations or obligations of a banking institution. Such investments may be in checking accounts, money market funds, bank certificates of deposit or treasury notes or bills.
The Treasurer will deposit funds and keep receipts of those deposits. The Treasurer will disperse funds using checks whenever possible and keep receipts or invoices of those disbursements. A check must be signed by two (2) of the following club officers: Treasurer, President, Competitive VP, Recreational VP, Secretary, RAGE Showcase Director, or an appointee of the Board. If a check cannot be reasonably used, a receipt must be signed by the Treasurer and the recipient of those cash funds. That receipt will be kept in the files of the Treasurer.
The Treasurer will submit monthly, a consolidated income statement, balance sheet and checking account reconciliation statement to the club President and club Secretary for the club’s permanent records.
At the request of the Board, the club President will appoint a Board member to conduct a surprise review of the accounts. The appointed Board member will not have expensed or received any funds in the usual course of club business during the calendar year that’s being reviewed. The Board member may request a copy of the prior written review summary from the club Secretary. The Board member will notify the Treasurer of a review at which time the Treasurer will promptly supply the Board member with a transactional history (Transaction List by Vendor) since the last review, via e-mail. The Board member may prepare for the review by selecting items from the transactional history for substantiation at the face-to-face meeting. The Board member should not advise the Treasurer of which items will be reviewed. After notice and within a few days, the Treasurer will meet with the Board member with the following information:
Current QuickBooks (record of financial transactions)
PayChex (payroll information)
Banking records (deposit slips, check receipts, account transfers)
The Board member will examine random credits or expenses incurred for each month and will examine expenses submitted by other Board members for compliance with policy. A written report of this review will be made by the Board member and submitted to the club Secretary and to the club President.
The club will engage an outside CPA to file Federal and State Income Tax Returns. It is noted that this is not an audit of the books.
Adopted 4/21/2005
Adopted 7/20/2006; Amended 6/27/2007; Amended 2/25/2013
Policy Interpretation Memoranda
The last few years the subject of “where are the team benches on the soccer field” has been discussed at length. It is the Pleasanton Soccer Referees Association’s (PSRA) opinion, that sideline control is facilitated if the teams and spectators are on opposite sides of the fields. From a referee’s point of view, it also simplifies the control of substitution procedures.
As a result, PGSA has endorsed the following policy regarding team placement for all age groups:
Competing teams shall locate themselves on the same field side
Spectators enjoy the game from the opposite side
Only coaches and team managers are to be with the teams
Choice of side is with coaches (Sports Park fields 4 and 5 recommend teams between fields)
Coaches or team officials are still responsible for spectator behavior
Both PGSA and PSRA see this is an important step in increasing the safety of the players as well as reducing or eliminating the harassment of players and officials. PSRA referees will be instructed to enforce this policy. All affected coaches will be notified of this change and PGSA will announce this on our website, newsletter, and in other communications.
We expect this new procedure to contribute to the enjoyment of the game by all. We are open to reviewing the reaction to this change at mid-season should any adjustments be required as we experience this change in structure for the teams and their spectators.
Adopted 8/20/01; Amended 2/23/17
Within our recreational and intermediate programs, RAGE coaches will allocate a minimum of 50% of minutes to all players during game play. One exception is disciplinary discretion available to a coach of any team.
While we do not mandate a minimum number of minutes played at our competitive level, our coaches are evaluated on their ability to develop all players on their team, and game play is an important piece of this process. We are committed to meeting specific age group development standards from a technical perspective, as well as creating an engaging and enjoyable experience for all of our players.
Adopted February 18, 2002; Amended 3/15/04; Amended 7/19/07; Amended 11/13/13; 1/22/20
Removed – 1/22/20
PGSA is a soccer club that is committed to the continued development and growth of players within the organization. While PGSA believes it is in the best interest of all players to participate within their age appropriate grouping, in some instances, medical or skill issues may determine the most appropriate level of play, best suiting a player’s development which will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Club Technical Staff.
Players interested in playing up in age should be recommended by the Technical Staff to tryout for an older age group based on his/her observation of the player’s development and ability to impact an older team OR in the U-14 age group and above, the player may be selected by the Technical Staff to tryout for an older team in order to maintain a consistency in the actual “school year” grade of the player (i.e., team with ALL freshmen) subject to the player’s skill level.
For players to be selected to play on an “older age group” team, the Technical Staff must determine that they will be able to compete at that level.
Recreational players interested in “playing up” must first submit a written request to the Recreational VP. They will then be notified of an evaluation process conducted by Technical Staff to make this determination. In the event that the player is a Freshman in High School every effort will be made to place her with the U15/16 age group.
Exceptions to the above policy must be approved by the Executive Committee on a case-by-case basis.
Adopted 4/1/2002
Amended 9/4/2003
Amended 3/23/2006
Amended 7/19/2007
Players must attend tryouts in order to be offered a spot on a team.
If a returning RAGE player is injured, sick or unable to attend due to another extenuating circumstance, please communicate with the Club Administer, prior to the first day of tryouts to coordinate an alternative solution
Adopted 5/20/02
Amended 7/19/07, 2/23/17, 11/20/19
A player’s circumstances may change between registration in the spring and the start of the soccer season in the fall. Since the Club incurs costs triggered by registration (e.g., administrative, equipment, staff, etc.) that increase over time, fees available for refund are based on the following schedule:
- Prior to June 1, 100% less $50.00 administrative fee
- From June 1 through July 31, 100% less $100.00 administrative fee
- August 1 onwards, NO refund
NOTE: In the event that a player moves out of the area (greater than 25 miles), or has a season-ending injury before October 1, the Club Treasurer is authorized by the Board to provide a refund of 25% of the registration paid. A doctor’s note is required.
The Competitive Program registration fee is non-refundable upon acceptance of a position on a team.
Refund requests must be completed using the Registration Refund Form found on the RAGE website at .
Adopted 9/23/2002. Amended 3/15/2004; 3/31/2006; 5/10/2010; 6/24/2014; 8/4/16; 5/2020
-deleted 11/20/19
Pleasanton RAGE Girls Soccer Club will continually monitor teams and coaches for attitudes and behavior consistent with the Club philosophy and guidelines.
Any actions, including but not limited to the following, that are determined to have harmed or injured a child, or that detract from the reputation of Pleasanton RAGE Girls Soccer Club will result in the immediate suspension of a coach or coaches after a review by the Director of Coaching and a Committee of the Board of Directors:
- Physical, verbal or sexual abuse/harassment of a player
- Physical or verbal abuse of an opponent (including players and coaches), a parent, a spectator, a referee or any other member of the Pleasanton RAGE Girls Soccer Club
- Failing to discourage/discipline Pleasanton RAGE Girls Soccer Club players who participate in physical or verbal abuse of an opponent (including players and coaches), a parent, a spectator, a referee or any other member of the Pleasanton RAGE Girls Soccer Club
Adopted 8/20/02 – Amended 3/17/09, 2/13/20
The PGSA Director of Coaching finds candidates through such means as resumes that are on file, by making personal contacts, or through notices in the Club newsletter or on specific websites. Based on established selection criteria and consideration of prior survey input, the Director of Coaching makes his/her recommendations to the Executive Committee and the Competitive VP who shall then approve the selections or recommendations.
It is important to clarify our Club policy regarding parent coaches in our competitive program. We define a parent coach as a head coach or an assistant coach with a daughter on the same team that they are coaching.
At all of the competitive levels:
No parent coaches are allowed in any age group
With Executive Committee approval, exceptions to the above policy may be made.
Adopted 4/21/03
Amended 7/19/07
Amended 2/24/17
Amended 2/13/20
Under Review
Adopted 1/20/2005
Amended 4/21/2005, 1/19/2006, 3/31/2006, 10/08/2007, 3/18/2014, 8/12/16
The goal of this PIM is to clarify our Club policy regarding teams traveling to tournaments.
When two or more Rage teams are traveling to the same tournament, it is expected that they will stay in the same hotel.
To support this policy, the Rage Club will appoint a volunteer to coordinate obtaining quality accommodations at a reasonable cost.
Each team coach is expected to establish the appropriate behavioral standards for their team while traveling and staying at hotels (this includes following all hotel rules) and should reinforce these standards with both the players and their parents.
There will be a time set by the coach for a curfew (typically no later than 11 PM) and a time set for lights out for each evening that the team stays in a hotel on an age appropriate and situation appropriate basis.
Attendance at team meetings is mandatory. Coaches should set the time for the initial team meeting at a hotel in time for parents to make travel arrangements that allow the player to get there on time.
Team meals are strongly encouraged to promote team chemistry, team unity, focus, and punctuality.
The coach will set specific meeting times and places for departure to the field for games or training or to travel to team events such as team meals. Players and coaches are required to wear seat belts when traveling in vehicles to team events.
Players are encouraged to room together with appropriate adult supervision.
Violations of behavioral standards that reflect poorly on the Rage Club are subject to discipline.
This PIM takes effect on March 15, 2004.
All Club Membership and Guests
Youth sports provide an opportunity for players to develop technical, physical, tactical, and social skills. Pleasanton RAGE supports the tenants of the Positive Coaching Alliance program to help ensure that soccer can be enjoyed in a safe and positive environment.
RAGE members take full responsibility for their words and behavior and understand that disciplinary action may be taken as a possible consequence of misconduct.
RAGE Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
- I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players (on both teams), coaches, officials, and spectators at every game, practice, or other sporting events.
- I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing and taunting; using profane language or gestures; or using offensive, insulting or abusive language. I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well-being of the athletes. I will not verbally address a player on an opposing team except to complement their play.
- I will be supportive of my child, unconditionally – this promotes the development of the player.
- I will emphasize that the game is played for the benefit of the youth, not adults.
- I will let the coach guide, direct, and coach my child and the other players without any interference or coaching from me on the sidelines.
- During a match, I will remain outside the field of play within the spectator area, unless called onto the field by the referee.
- I will learn and understand the Laws of the Knowing the rules of the game will help with development and will help to minimize disagreements.
- I will teach my child to play within the spirit/intentions of the rules and the Laws of the Game.
- I will refrain from criticizing the game officials and will respect their authority and decisions during I will not ridicule or yell at my child or another participant for making a mistake or losing a competition.
- I will never place the value of winning over the safety and welfare of the players.
- I will demand a sports environment free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all RAGE sporting events or in the immediate vicinity of RAGE matches.
- I will be consistent, prompt, and respectful in my communication with coaches and ensure that I understand the coach’s expectations for me, my child, and the team.
- I will ensure that my child arrives at training, practices, and games on time and fully equipped per the coach’s expectations.
- I will ensure that I am on time to retrieve my child from practices and games.
- I will respect the 24-hour rule and not discuss playing time/game issues with the coach until the following day.
- I will remember that as a member of RAGE, I represent the I understand poor behavior during practices, games, or tournaments may result in expulsion from the soccer activity. If this happens repeatedly, it will result in expulsion from RAGE for my family.
- I will keep my financial account with the Club current and in good standing.
- I will adhere to the guidance of the Positive Coaching Alliance, including the following behavior:
Acknowledge and applaud genuine effort and good play as well as success Affirm players, not just for athletic performance or victory, but whenever good character, healthy sportsmanship, and unselfish behavior are displayed Avoid criticizing a player for making a mistake – mistakes are part of learning Encourage your player to honor the opponent and to show respect for the referees – without people in these roles, there is no game Teach your player the importance of keeping winning and losing in perspective – game outcomes are part of, but should never wholly define, the overall experience Avoid analyzing your player’s performance following each game – instead let them know you enjoyed watching them play Encourage your player to work directly with the coach to resolve issues, thereby helping her develop a strong sense of self-advocacy - Remember that youth players participate primarily for the fun of the experience.
I agree to the following terms:
- I agree to abide by the RAGE Parent Code of Conduct outlined in this document.
- I acknowledge that RAGE may take disciplinary action against me if I breach the Parent Code of Conduct.
- I acknowledge that disciplinary action against me may include suspension of myself from attending RAGE practices, games, and activities and repeated offenses may result in my player(s) being deregistered from RAGE
RAGE Player Code of Conduct
- Players will demonstrate positive sportsmanship on and off the field. This includes exercising positive self-control, graciously accepting the outcome of games and treating all players, coaches, officials, and fans with courtesy and respect.
- Players will demonstrate respect for all players and coaches in behavior and Profanity will not be tolerated.
- Players will demonstrate respect for officials, in part by accepting their decisions. Insulting comments, arguing, gestures and profanity directed at officials will not be tolerated.
- Players will positively represent RAGE on and off the field, at home and away, and during all Club sanctioned events and activities.
- Players, in coordination with parents, are responsible for timely notification of absences from games, practices and training to the coach and/or manager of the team as determined by the team.
- Violence and abuse of any nature will not be tolerated.
- Players are prohibited from the use of alcohol, illegal drugs, and tobacco products while a member of RAGE.
- Players will understand and respect the rules of the game as appropriate for the age group of the team.
- Players will give 100% at practices and games. Players will make every effort to attend all practices, games, and team/Club events that ensure a solid team foundation.
- Players are expected to be present at the playing field at the designated time for all games and all pre/post-game activities. Players shall be dressed appropriately, and, when in team uniform, shall have clean jerseys tucked into shorts with shin guards and cleats on and ready.
- Players will respect the 24-hour rule and not discuss playing time/game issues with the coach until the following day.
- When traveling with RAGE, players shall respect, listen, and follow directions given by the coaches, team managers, and Players will also attend all team games and activities while traveling with the team.
- When traveling with RAGE, players are expected to dress appropriately as befit representing RAGE, or as directed by their coach and/or Director of Coaching (RAGE attire; typically, RAGE training gear assigned by coach, manager, or chaperone.)
I agree to the following terms:
- I agree to abide by the RAGE Player Code of Conduct outlined in this document.
- I acknowledge that RAGE may take disciplinary action against me, if I breach the Player Code of Conduct.
- I acknowledge that disciplinary action against me may include suspension of playing privileges and deregistration from RAGE.
RAGE Volunteer Coach Code of Conduct
This code of conduct has been developed to clarify and distinguish approved and accepted professional, ethical, and moral behavior from that which is detrimental to a positive experience. Coaches are expected to be positive role models who project the spirit of the sport on and off the field. As a RAGE Recreational Coach, I understand that I am expected to hold myself and my team to the high standards set forth by the Pleasanton RAGE Soccer Club. While representing RAGE, I must abide by the following expectations and requirements:
- I will prioritize the health and safety of all players and maintain an environment that supports this priority both on and off the field.
- I will demonstrate positive support, dignity, and respect for all players, parents, coaches, and officials at every game, practice, and other RAGE events. This includes players, parents and coaches from the opposing team.
- I will be a positive role model whenever I am around players and I will exercise professional decorum and conduct at all practices and games, meetings, and other team functions.
- I will exemplify honesty, integrity, fair-play, and sportsmanship at all times regardless of the impact that might have upon the outcome of the competition.
- I will refrain from the use of profanity, abusive, offensive or insulting language, gestures or actions, racially insensitive remarks, or any other conduct that reflects poorly on me or the Pleasanton RAGE Soccer Club, on and off of the field.
- I will not discriminate against players based upon race, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.
- I will avoid any conduct that could be construed as harassment or physically, verbally, or sexually abusive.
- I will teach my players to play fairly and to respect the rules, officials, and opponents.
- I will not verbally address a player on an opposing team, except to compliment their play.
- I will always show respect for all of the match officials and honor their decisions.
- I will be reasonable in my demands on players’ time, energy, enthusiasm and their performance on the soccer field.
- I will provide a sports environment for my team that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol.
- I understand that as a coach, I am responsible for, not only my own behavior, but also the behavior of my team members, their parents, and fans at RAGE games. I must discourage/discipline any of these members or spectators from prohibited behaviors outlined in our respective codes of conduct.
- I will ensure that my players’ experience in practices and games is one of fun and enjoyment and improvement in I understand that the top reason kids play sports is to have fun.
- I will give each team member a fair and honest chance to play, which includes a minimum of 50% of game minutes for each recreational player.
I agree to the following terms:
- I agree to abide by the RAGE Volunteer Coach Code of Conduct outlined in this document.
- I acknowledge that RAGE may take disciplinary action against me, if I breach the RAGE Volunteer Coach Code of Conduct.
- I acknowledge that disciplinary action against me may include suspension from practices, games, and other team or Club activities. Disciplinary action is determined by the RAGE Recreational Director and/or Director of Coaching.
Disciplinary Actions
Failure of a RAGE club member to meet the RAGE Code of Conduct Requirements described above may result in one or more of the following actions:
Disciplinary Action | Potential Result |
Verbal Warning by a club official or team PCA representative | A RAGE club member may be required to leave a training match venue, or any other RAGE sponsored event |
Written Warning from a club official | A RAGE club member may be suspended and/or required to meet with club officials and/or board members |
Disciplinary Hearing with a Disciplinary Committee comprised of at least three members of the RAGE Board of Directors as selected by the RAGE club President | A RAGE club member may be suspended or required to leave the club permanently along with any dependents |
Under extreme circumstances, the Director of Coaching or any Executive Committee member may at her/his discretion temporarily suspend any club member (and their dependent(s) if deemed necessary) from the attendance of RAGE practices and/or games without prior warning. In this case a Disciplinary Hearing will take place within one week of the suspension.
Appeal of Disciplinary Hearing Finding
The Disciplinary Committee will issue a disciplinary finding within 24 hours of the disciplinary hearing. This disciplinary finding may be appealed by the club member. Suspensions will remain in place during the appeal process. Any appeal must be made, in writing, within 7 days of the issuing of the disciplinary hearing finding. A formal appeal hearing will be held within 7 days of receiving the written notice of request for appeal. The appeal hearing will be in-person, unless health guidelines prohibit such a meeting. The appeal hearing will be held before a panel of no fewer than 5 members of the Board of Directors. Any Board Member who was directly involved in the original disciplinary action will recuse themselves from a vote at the appeal hearing. The decision made at the appeal hearing will be final and binding.
Adopted January 27, 2005; amended 2/23/17; 11/23/18;4/21/21
Pleasanton RAGE is greatly dependent on the volunteer support of our membership to help enable a positive soccer experience for all of our players and families. We are continually in need of assistance throughout the year. To fill this need, the Club has a Volunteer Program and members are encouraged to participate in one of two ways.
- Volunteer for a position in the Club
- Perform approved volunteer activity(ies) (4 hours per registered Recreational Program player; 8 hours per registered Competitive & Select Programs player)
See chart below for positions and activities.
Not only do Club members derive satisfaction from helping our organization, but they are also reimbursed their $50.00 (Recreational Program) or $150 (Competitive & Select Programs) volunteer fee upon completion of the approved volunteer activity(ies). There will be no partial reimbursement of fees; families must perform the required 4 or 8 hours to receive their reimbursement. Please submit the Volunteer Reimbursement Form.
The required volunteer hours for families receiving financial aid do not count toward reimbursable hours.
Club Volunteer Positions |
RAGE Board Member ($150) | Recreational Head Coach ($150) |
Recreational Coach with US Soccer Coaching license (USSF Grassroots license & beyond)* ($50) | Recreational Assistant Coach ($50) |
Recreational Age Group Coordinator ($250) | Special Board Appointment |
Fundraising Committee Member | Competitive Team Manager ($250)**; Select Team (Fall) Manager ($150)** |
Individual Volunteer Activities |
RAGE Tournament(s) Support (excludes the 4 hours required in support of your Team’s RAGE Tournament jobs obligation) | Opening Day Parade |
Club Event Support | RAGE Wear Sales |
Recreational Program Marketing | Volunteer Program Coordinator |
USL-W Game Day Support | |
All individual volunteer activities must be approved in advance and coordinated by our Volunteer Director Also, please reach out for approval of other individual volunteer activity proposals that could be beneficial to the Club. |
*Recreational Coach with US Soccer Coaching License: $50 is reimbursable by the end of September. It includes any US Soccer license from the Grassroots license (4 modules required) and beyond. Only completed licenses accepted, not stand-alone modules. RAGE will also reimburse the cost of the Grassroots license upon completion. For more information, contact RAGE Recreational Director
**Aside from Competitive Team Manager, and Comp Select (Fall) Team Manager, individual volunteer team jobs such as treasurer, snacks, banner coordinator, etc. do NOT qualify for reimbursement.
Adopted February 17, 2005; amended 7/05/07; 2/23/17; 5/2020; 4/2023
The Club Officers and Directors and their Appointees occasionally have need to handle cash, sometimes of considerable sums. It is policy for receipts to be signed in the event that cash change hands from the Treasurer to other Club members or their Appointees. That receipt is to be retained by the Club Treasurer. Quite often, cash will be handled by the vendors of RAGE merchandise. In addition, considerable sums may be handled for payment to referees for tournaments, jamborees or other events. Cash is handled by vendors at snack bars and other concessions throughout the year.
It is recommended by this PIM:
Care be taken in the handling of cash
Utilize checks in the payment to vendors whenever possible
Reduce the amount of cash transferred
Cash be deposited as quickly as reasonable
However, it is likely that there will be instances during the year when cash must be handled by Officers, Directors or their Appointees. It is the purpose of this PIM to make clear that such people will be indemnified by the Club for lost or stolen funds. It is the responsibility of the handler of funds to report lost or stolen funds immediately to the Treasurer and President of the Club. In addition, a police report must be filed promptly and made under oath. If the handler of cash has homeowners insurance or other insurance that covers loss or theft, the handler will file for the maximum permitted recovery from her/his insurance company, recognizing and accepting that an increase in insurance premium may result and will be entirely the responsibility of the handler of cash. Handlers will be informed of this stipulation before they are asked to take on the responsibility.
There are many instances when merchandise or equipment of considerable value is stored or moved between locations. It is the intent of this PIM to indemnify Officers, Directors and their Appointees against loss, theft and damage beyond the amount recovered through homeowners insurance or other insurance polices as set forth above. Exceptions may be made to indemnification if a signed agreement is executed with the holder of property. For example, a coach may be held responsible for the return of a goal in workable condition after a practice session or season.
No Club Officer or cosigner of Club accounts is authorized to use a debit card linked to Club accounts.
If a criminal act is admitted or determined in a Court of Law, indemnification will be nullified for those who committed the crime.
Adopted 10/20/05, amended 09/13/13
Teams are encouraged to undertake fundraising projects to reduce the cost of soccer, to fund a team activity (party, outing, trip, tournament, etc…), to donate to a local or national charity, to donate to a club activity, and/or to help individual team members fund their soccer costs. There are many other possibilities. The means of raising funds must conform to the mission of RAGE, represent the values of the Club and the community. In general, if the Pleasanton schools approve a similar fundraising activity, RAGE will most likely encourage a team’s plan.
When a fundraising venture involves the use of the RAGE logo or the RAGE name, the Club reserves the right of prior approval. Please contact the Club Treasurer ( One activity that has been successful a few times in the past is to allow a sponsor’s logo on practice or game jerseys. We recommend that teams think in terms of $5,000 per year for that right. Recreational teams will be less.
Adopted 07/20/06
Amended 6/30/07
Amended 07/08/09
9/26/14 02/12/19
Preservation of capital is the critical criterion for investment by the Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association (PGSA) Club Treasurer. For that reason, only securities with very limited, near term maturity (measured in a few years) should be considered for investment. Ease of access is another important criterion, which means a local bank(s) should be the primary depository for funds. The Board of Directors of PGSA authorizes the Club Treasurer as the sole party authorized to transact business in the Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association account in accordance with Policy Interpretation Memorandum 018. As needed, the Club Treasurer may appoint an Investment Committee to support and advise his/her efforts in following this PIM. The Investment Committee reports to the Club Treasurer and is under his/her supervision. The appointees to the Investment Committee should have some scope for investment recommendations depending on their professional experience, but a vote of the Board is required to place investments outside of the following parameters.
Cash: A checking account with a local bank(s) (FDIC-insured) will be maintained to conduct the business of the Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association. All monies shall be deposited in the recognized banks in the name Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association, or PGSA.
Joint Signatures: All accounts paid by check shall require joint signatures of two
(2) of the following officers: President, Competitive Vice President, Treasurer, Recreational Vice President, Secretary, or Club Bookkeeper, or an appointee of the Board. Transfer of funds among PGSA accounts held in financial institutions are exempt from the requirement of having joint signatures. Electronic funds transfers by authorized representatives of PGSA (i.e., Paychex) are exempt from the requirement of joint signatures. Bills paid online and paid by credit card are exempt from the requirement of joint signatures, but receipts are required.
Money Market Fund or Savings Account: Such an account may be used as a substitute depository for cash, given the modestly higher yield than a checking account.
Bank Certificates of Deposit: This is the preferred investment vehicle for PGSA assets. The Club Treasurer will have discretion on the maturity of investments, recognizing that prompt access to funds may be required.
Treasury and Corporate Bonds: The market risk to capital should limit this type of vehicle to less than one-fourth of total capital on the PGSA balance sheet. Corporate bond investment should be limited to AA-rated bonds or bond funds that invest primarily in AA or better corporate or government issues. Maturity of these funds should be less than five years.
Equities, Venture Capital, Private Placement Investments and other Investments: The Club Treasurer will never invest in these types of vehicles without a vote of the Board of Directors, given the risk of loss in nominal capital. PGSA may have a need for debt instruments to fund major capital projects, like a futsal facility. The Club Treasurer is authorized to negotiate a loan from lenders, preferably local banks, but must seek approval of the Board of Directors. Signatures of the Club President and Club Treasurer, among others as determined by the Board of Directors must be obtained to secure the loan.
Adopted 11/12/2008; Amended 01/24/11; 01/09/13; 10/10/18; 1/19/22
Injuries and absences may affect the ability of a Coach to field a complete team at a tournament. In that event, the Coach may invite a “guest player(s).” The guest player may be from another RAGE team or from a non-RAGE team, but all appropriate paperwork must be presented to the Team Manager in advance of the tournament. The Coach should communicate to the guest and her parents the expectations of the Club in regards to travel and costs. The fact that there might be a guest player(s) at a tournament should be communicated to the team.
The family of the guest player will pay their own travel costs, including any airfare or carfare for the guest. Also, the family will incur a pro rata share of hotel expenses and any other charges calculated by the team Treasurer, including the Coach and Trainer travel reimbursement. The tournament application fee will NOT be included in the shared costs. Functions such as team dinners (apart from orders from a menu, which are allocated individually) will be included in the shared costs. Prior to the tournament, the team Treasurer will be responsible for collecting an estimated amount of these expenses. The Coach may not unilaterally make exceptions to cost sharing as stated in this PIM.
ECNL Specific: Any player (rostered on another RAGE team or otherwise) added to an ECNL roster will incur a pro rata share of ALL costs of an event, as that player is included on the team’s roster for all ECNL play in a given year. Should this same player who was added not attend a subsequent ECNL event, that player will not incur any costs for subsequent team play, unless that player has accepted a spot and costs, such as airfare, have been incurred. That player is expected to travel with the team, unless the player does not reside in the Bay Area. Exceptions to a guest player traveling with the team may be made by the Technical Director.
Amended 9/10/10
Adopted 10/08/2009
This Policy defines the circumstances under which the Club will waive club dues.
Fees waivers are possible for injuries or conditions that require the player to miss a minimum of 2 consecutive months of training and/or game participation. The waiver is for Club dues only. The Club registration fee portion is non-refundable. The fees waiver will be based on the duration of the medical condition as documented by a medical professional.
Competitive team fees cover the period as documented upon acceptance of a position on a Competitive team.
Recreational team fees are generally registration fees. The refund will be calculated based on the remaining portion of the Recreational season, less $100 to cover uniform and league costs.
Fees from the date of the injury or medical condition, as determined by a medical professional, will be waived if a player incurs a season-ending injury or is unable to participate in games and/or training for a minimum of 2 consecutive months.
The player is responsible for payment whenever she can take the field in any capacity, as permitted by a medical professional.
To apply for a waiver, send a copy of the injury/condition report from your medical professional to the Club Bookkeeper at The date of the injury as determined by the report will determine the start of the waiver. No waiver or refund will be provided unless the family is current with any other debts to the Club or Team.
It must be clear to all that the Club may choose to replace a player who cannot play for an extended period of time. There is no obligation to return an injured or otherwise impacted player to team status when cleared by her medical professional.
There is a benefit to a player attending training, learning through observation, assisting the coach, supporting the team at games, and fully participating in non-field activities.
Adopted 12/01/2009, Amended: 09/12/12, 05/13/14, 1/19/22
In January 2017, California State Law AB-2007 took effect outlining several requirements for youth sports organizations in regard to head injuries and concussions. In January 2020, California State Law AB-379 added provisions to the concussion protocol law aimed at addressing sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) symptoms in youth athletes.
Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association (PGSA) has had a Concussion Policy in place since 2013 (see below). With the passing of both Assembly Bill 2007 and Assembly Bill 379, it is REQUIRED to provide parents and players with information in regard to concussion and sudden cardiac arrest. You can find that information in the following Fact Sheets; in the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Addendum to PIM 021 below; and in the Supplemental Information at the end of this PIM.
- Concussion Info Fact Sheet for Parents and Players
- Cardiac Arrest Info Fact Sheet for Parents and Players
ALL players currently participating in soccer-related activities, AND their parents (if the player is 17 years of age or younger), must review the information above, sign the documents, and return the signed forms to the Club. This will be done on a yearly basis before the athlete begins practice or competition. The information Fact Sheets may be sent and signed via an electronic medium.
Note: Each PGSA coach and administrator is REQUIRED to successfully complete the concussion and head injury and sudden cardiac arrest prevention education at least once, either online or in-person, before stepping on to the field to coach.
We as a Club ensure compliance with the requirements for providing education, and with the athlete removal provisions and the return-to-play protocol.
PIM 021 – Concussion Policy
The Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association (RAGE) recognizes the need for increased awareness regarding concussions. RAGE has created the following Policy to provide Competitive and Recreational coaches, officials, parents, and players with guidelines for recognizing signs of a concussion, procedures to follow when a concussion is suspected, as well as policy concerning the return to play for an affected player.
Concussion is well known to be a common injury in soccer. Concussions range from mild to severe and can occur at any age, and under varying circumstances.
A concussion is an alteration of brain function that can typically come from a blow to the head, but can also occur when sudden forces are applied elsewhere on the body and the forces are transferred to the head. For instance, a blow to the chest can cause a concussion. Loss of consciousness is a key, but NOT a required factor in the diagnosis of concussion. An individual may be concussed without a loss of consciousness. A player showing signs of a concussion must be removed from the field and kept out of the training session or game.
Recognizable signs of concussion include:
- Short-term memory loss. The player doesn’t remember the immediate past: the injury, the action that preceded it, the score of the game, or who last scored.
- Poor physical coordination. The player seems “out of sync” physically or verbally with teammates, or appears to be having difficulty moving with ease around the field.
- Slurring or incoherent speech. The player’s words are slurred, or the player says or repeats phrases or sentences that make no sense.
- A blank stare or display of disproportionate emotions.
Simple questions can be asked to further assess the player. “Simple” means exactly that. The questions should elicit easy and obvious answers. For example, “What’s your name?” “Where are you?” “Why are you here?” Alternatively, the player could be asked to follow simple directions, such as “put your gear down” or “stand next to me.”
A player showing any of the aforementioned signs of a concussion must be removed from the field and kept out of the training session or game.
Additionally, the player must be observed carefully for at least the next 30 minutes for any additional signs of concussion. Nausea and vomiting, disorientation, dizziness, momentary loss of consciousness, amnesia or persistent confusion can indicate a more serious concussion requiring medical attention.
In addition to the standard response for suspected concussion, if any of the following is observed by any coach, player, official, or spectator following physical impact, immediate, qualified emergency medical assistance should be obtained. It is important to choose to err on the (recommended) side of caution.
- The athlete goes limp, even for an instant.
- The player’s eyes are closed and the player does not or apparently cannot open them.
- The player is unresponsive to voice commands, questions or statements.
- The player is unresponsive to tactile stimulus, such as a sharp hand or finger squeeze.
A player who has sustained a concussion or has lost consciousness at any time during a game or practice should not play, practice, or take part in physical activity until she has written clearance from a qualified healthcare provider who has administered a neurological examination. A graded return-to-play protocol must be followed prior to resumption of full sporting activity. An athlete must be symptom-free at rest and with exercise prior to return-to-play.
An accurate diagnosis is the purview of qualified medical personnel.
If in doubt, sit the player out.
Addendum to PIM 021 — Sudden Cardiac Arrest Policy
While rare, Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is the leading medical cause of death in young athletes, often occurring during physical activity such as playing a sport.
Sudden cardiac arrest is a sudden loss of heart function. It is caused by a problem in the heart’s electrical system. The heart beats dangerously fast, or stops beating and fails to pump blood to the rest of the body. When playing sports, an athlete’s heart is working faster and pumping harder. Adrenaline is pumped throughout the body, and the heart needs more oxygen than normal. In athletes who may have an undiagnosed heart condition, these extra stresses can sometimes trigger the electrical system of the heart at exactly the wrong time and cause SCA. SCA can also occur as a result of a direct blow to the chest by a ball or by chest contact from another player.
This is a medical emergency and can progress quickly to sudden cardiac death (SCD). If you suspect someone is in sudden cardiac arrest, call 911, start CPR right away, and locate the nearest AED.
Warning signs that Sudden Cardiac Arrest may occur:
- Fainting or seizure during or right after exercise
- Dizziness
- Chest pain during exercise
- Excessive shortness of breath with exercise
- Racing or fluttering heart palpitations
A player who has passed out or fainted must be immediately removed from the field for the remainder of the training session or game. A parent or guardian must be notified of the suspected cardiac condition, the time and date, the symptoms observed, and the treatment provided.
- Recognize Sudden Cardiac Arrest and the symptoms
- Call 9-1-1 – Follow their instructions
- Hands-Only CPR – Begin chest compression immediately
- AED (defibrillation) – Use AED as soon as possible
- Continue Care – Continue CPR and AED until EMS arrives
A player who has experienced cardiac arrest, or any sudden cardiac arrest warning signs, and/or has been removed from the field due to warning signs is NOT permitted to return to any athletic activity until she is evaluated by a licensed healthcare provider. The player is NOT permitted to return to athletic activity until she receives written clearance from a licensed healthcare provider. If the healthcare provider suspects that the player has a cardiac condition, she should remain under the provider’s care to get follow-up testing until cleared to play.
The links below are for information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Their “Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports” initiative gives coaches, parents, and players facts about concussions, signs and symptoms, and suggestions for prevention and treatment.
Heads Up online training video:
Coaches Information Fact Sheet:
Parents Information Fact Sheet:
Players Information Fact Sheet:
Cal North Parents and Players Information Fact Sheet
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
CalNorth Parents and Players Information Fact Sheet
US Soccer Recognize to Recover Homepage – Cardiac Conditions:
Understanding Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Adopted January 24, 2013; amended 2/27/17, amended 10/13/20
f a RAGE player is asked to be a “Guest Player” for a team from another soccer club, that request will be taken into consideration if, and only if, the coach of that other soccer club directly contacts the RAGE age group coach, or the Director of Coaching, at least two (2) weeks prior to the event. Final approval will be made by the Director of Coaching.
Adopted 08/28/13
Pleasanton RAGE recognizes that a player’s decision to participate in High School soccer is an important, personal decision. With that in mind, Pleasanton RAGE would like to assure our Membership that we will support a player’s decision regarding their participation in High School soccer.
Adopted 05/13/14
The Pleasanton RAGE Girls Soccer Association’s Social Media Policy defines the Club’s standards for social media use. This policy applies to the use of social media (including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) by anyone within the RAGE community (players, coaches, family members, staff, and Board members).
RAGE utilizes social media channels to enable open communication between members of the RAGE community and those who interact with RAGE. The primary purpose of these channels is to provide accurate, timely, relevant information about the Club and its members. Social media topics include items such as RAGE success stories, Club announcements, opportunities for the RAGE community, and comments and constructive feedback from within the community.
Rules for Social Media Use
The value of respect applies to all of our interactions – in person and online. When posting on social media, be positive and respectful, and always take the high road when engaging with others. When disagreeing with others’ opinions, remain appropriate and polite. If a RAGE community member finds themselves in an online situation that is becoming contentious, they should disengage from the dialogue in a polite and respectful manner that reflects well on RAGE.
Comments that are obscene, potentially offensive, violate any RAGE Codes of Conduct, or bring harm to an individual or to our RAGE community should never be posted.
Personal information about a RAGE community member (such as a name, date of birth, or street address which, when taken together, can identify a particular individual) should never be disclosed on a social media channel without the approval of a RAGE Staff or Board of Directors member.
Content that would potentially harm an individual or damage RAGE’s reputation should never be posted. Remember that even while on personal time, RAGE community members are representatives of RAGE, and their postings on social media sites may be interpreted as though they were official RAGE statements.
General Guidelines
Use good judgment when posting comments on social media. Bear in mind that content posted by RAGE community members can create liability for RAGE. If there is any uncertainty about the appropriateness of a post, a member of Staff or the Board of Directors should be consulted. Remember, once something is posted, it exists online forever. It is prudent to ask, “Would I want to see this published in the newspaper or posted on a billboard tomorrow or ten years from now?” If the answer is “probably not,” do not post.
Encourage others to engage in positive interactions on social media. Any concerns about any RAGE community member’s use of social media should be brought to the attention of a member of the RAGE Staff or Board of Directors.
RAGE expects players, coaches, spectators, and family members to use social media channels in a responsible manner relative to their RAGE participation. RAGE will hold all users responsible for their published words if they adversely affect others, including but not limited to fellow RAGE community members, teams, schools, leagues, or sports officials. Those affiliated with RAGE who use social media in ways that are contrary to this policy will face disciplinary action, up to and including suspension/dismissal.
Adopted 02/26/2015
This policy applies to all PGSA employees, both Full-Time and Part-Time
The purpose of this PIM is to outline reimbursable expenses associated with attending events/games/tournaments/training that do not require an overnight stay.
The PGSA local service area is defined as all events located within a 35-mile radius of the RAGE office located at 173 Spring St., Pleasanton. The area includes Alameda County, Contra Costa County, the South Bay, Peninsula, and San Francisco.
Employees will be reimbursed for the following:
- Mileage in excess of 35 miles from the RAGE office. Only the amount in excess of 35 will be reimbursed. Mileage reimbursement is calculated based on the Federal reimbursement
- Bridge tolls will be reimbursed no matter the mileage
- Meals are allowed only if the coach/trainer is on the field for a continuous six-hour shift or per government Actual expenses will be reimbursed, not to exceed $15. One meal maximum. Game times are to be documented.
Reimbursement requests must be submitted within 30 days of the expense on the PGSA expense report form indicating the date, location, and team. All receipts must be attached.
For full-time employees and part-time ECNL coaches, expense reports must be approved and signed by the Director of Coaching (DOC) and then submitted to the Club Bookkeeper for processing.
For part-time employees, expense reports for all league play (ECNL, ECNRL, NorCal, Futsal), State Cup, RAGE hosted tournaments and other tournaments/events identified as included in Club dues must be submitted to the Club Bookkeeper for reimbursement (refer to respective team fees sheet distributed at team formation). Expense reports for tournaments not built into Club dues are to be submitted to your Team Treasurer for reimbursement.
Requests for exception to the policy must be discussed and approved in writing by the Club Treasurer, prior to submitting expenses. Intentional falsification of expenses may lead to dismissal.
Adopted August 12, 2016; amended 7/02/18; amended 9/12/18; amended 4/13/21
This policy applies to all PGSA employees, both Full-Time and Part-Time
The purpose of this policy is to outline reimbursable expenses associated with attending events/games/tournaments/training that require an overnight stay.
The PGSA local service area is defined as all events located within a 35-mile radius of the PGSA office located at 173 Spring St. Pleasanton. The area includes Alameda County, Contra Costa County, the South Bay, Peninsula, and San Francisco.
Expenses may be incurred and reimbursed for travel to and from league games and tournaments, (including State Cup) that due to distance require an overnight stay.
Typical overnight stay expenses are as follows:
- Transportation- Reimbursement is allowed for either airfare or mileage Mileage will only be reimbursed up to a total of 800 miles, inclusive of all driving. Miles in excess of the 35 mile (PGSA service area) will be reimbursed at the Federal mileage reimbursement rate.
- Bridge tolls will be reimbursed no matter the mileage traveled.
- Rental car – Rental car expenses are reimbursable including SLI – supplemental liability insurance and CDW- Collision Damage Waiver. The prepaid fuel option is not eligible for reimbursement, but other fuel costs will be reimbursed.
- Airport mileage in excess of 35 miles will be reimbursed. Parking expenses are reimbursable. Effort should be made to find parking at a reasonable cost. No short-term parking. UBER or other transportation are reimbursable in lieu of the parking expense.
- Per Diem – Employees will be reimbursed up to $50 per game day requiring an overnight stay. Receipts are required. Partial travel days without games, are eligible for $25/day, receipts required. Alcohol expenses are not eligible for reimbursement.
- Hotel – Reimbursement of hotel costs, preferably the same hotel as the team. Costs for mini-bar, movies or other incidentals are not eligible unless they are included in the per diem expenses.
Expenses associated with extending the stay for personal reasons are not eligible for reimbursement.
Reimbursement requests must be submitted within 30 days of the expense on the PGSA expense report form indicating the date, location, and team. All receipts must be attached.
For full-time employees and part-time ECNL coaches, expense reports must be approved and signed by the Director of Coaching (DOC) and then submitted to the Club Bookkeeper for processing.
For part-time employees, expense reports for all league play (ECNL, ECNRL, NorCal, Futsal), State Cup, RAGE hosted tournaments and other tournaments/events identified as included in Club dues must be submitted to the Club Bookkeeper for reimbursement (refer to respective team fees sheet distributed at team formation). Expense reports for tournaments not built into Club dues are to be submitted to your Team Treasurer for reimbursement.
Requests for exceptions to the policy must be discussed and approved in writing by the Club Treasurer prior to submitting expenses. Intentional falsification of expenses may lead to dismissal.
This PIM is effective July 1, 2018
Adopted August 12, 2016; amended 7/02/18; amended 9/12/18; amended 4/13/21
This policy serves to protect the health and safety of our players and coaches by defining allowable play related to the Air Quality Index (AQI). Play decisions for any given day will be made by the club based on review of the AQI values reported in the noon hour and those forecasted for the remainder of the day at and
In exceptional circumstances, Pleasanton RAGE may also cancel play based on other environmental or safety considerations regardless of reported AQI values.
REFERENCE (Source: website, Sept 2020)
The U.S. AQI is the EPA’s index for reporting air quality. AQI ranges from 0 to 500. The higher the AQI value, the greater the level of air pollution, and the greater the health concern. For each pollutant, an AQI value of 100 generally corresponds to an ambient air concentration that equals the level of the short-term national ambient air quality standard for the protection of public health. AQI values at or below 100 are generally thought of as satisfactory.
Adopted September 15, 2020