Beach Soccer Championships in Santa Cruz
RAGE girls put on impressive performances in the sand at the Beach Soccer Championships in Santa Cruz with past weekend with “Teams Purple” taking first place and “Team Green” a third place finish in the U13 brackets.
Pictured: “Team Purple”
BackRow: Lucy Holmes, Sydney Pandalfo, Audrey Goodman
FrontRow: Holly Judson, Terra McHone, Molly Murphy, Jenni Waldo
U13 Premier Spring Cross Regional Championships Finalist
U13 Premier Spring Cross Regional Championships Finalist
Back row (left to right) : Coach Stephanie Wieger, Kathryn Lee, Makenzie Farro, Samantha Dukes, Sophie Pearson, G’ana Loson, Brianna Wolfe, Sophie Caponigro, Alyssa Brewer and Claire Wong.
Front row (left to right) : Tami Kwong, Sydney DeVor, Sayler Bagnall, Mary Clifford, Taylor Noval, Nikki Lee, Sydney Schultz and Hannah Landal (not pictured).
Nor Cal State Cup Gold Division Champions!
Nor Cal State Cup Gold Division Champions!
In windy Turlock on Cinco de Mayo, Jarrreth Chan’s U16 Premier team brought home the Nor Cal Cup with a victory of 1-0 over Fresno Bullard. A header goal in the first few minutes of the match by Kendyll Woolsey proved to be all that was needed to pull off the victory. It took a team effort to keep the lead through the remaining minutes of the game plus some amazing saves from our goalie Gabriella Tassano. It has been an amazing season for the girls – next on their list is to finish of league in first place!
All out, all heart, one more time!
Fleece Blankets for the Children of Children’s Hospital Oakland
Hi my name is Tiara Lewis and for the community service project I made fleece blankets for the children of Children’s Hospital Oakland.
To start out I went to the fabric store with my mom and purchased blanket kits. We got many different kinds of blankets: kids, teens, animal, cartoon, and sports.
My mom and I went to Children’s Hospital Oakland after the holidays because lots of people come in around that time and I felt it wouldn’t be as special. When we got to the hospital I was nervous and didn’t know what to expect. I met all the nurses who were so happy to see what I had made for their patients.
I came to the first room and opened the door, there was a little girl and she was the cutest thing ever. All the nervousness went away and I handed her a blanket with a smile on my face. I gave a blanket to a teenage boy who was not able to talk and could not move on his own, but I handed him a blanket and he smiled big when I gave it to him. Next, I gave one to a little boy who was pretty badly injured. It was hard to look at. He didn’t want to take it and only wanted his mom because he was in a lot of pain. I left the blanket on the end of his bed and his mom seemed veryhappy about it. Before we left that night the nurses brought me back to his room to peek in and he was laying down in his bed cuddled up with my blanket! That made me really happy that he enjoyed it so much. I gave blankets to many other patients, but those were the one’s I remember the best, the ones that still make me smile as I’m typing this. The nurses at the hospital were more than nice and enjoyed my visit also. They told me how hard it was for their patients to be alone and scared in the hospital and how much this would mean to them. I didn’t think that giving a blanket to someone could mean so much, but after I left I knew it did. Doing this project helped me realize how fortunate I am and when you are fortunate in life it is important to share with others and help people out who may not be as fortunate as you are.
Tiara Lewis U14 ECNL
Posted: 2/20/13
2013 College Signing Night
Pleasanton RAGE hosted the 2013 college signing night honoring RAGE seniors Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at the Pleasanton Marriott. Family, teammates, coaches, RAGE board members, and staff all gathered along with Amador Valley High School Principal, Jim Hansen to celebrate the signing seniors’ achievement.
College signing night is the first Wednesday in February when high school seniors can sign a binding National Letter of Intent for NCAA college athletics. At this event, 14 seniors that have played in the Pleasanton RAGE girls soccer club anywhere from 1-14 years officially signed their intent to continue to play soccer for colleges and universities across the United States. The girls were individually recognized by RAGE director of coaching and player development, Philippe Blin.
Here are the RAGE signing seniors for 2013:
Haley Chow – Princeton
Marissa Scheid – UC San Diego
Emmy Rodriguez – University of Oregon
Alyssa Holsworth – Fresno State
Nicole Heller – UC San Diego
Kylee Southwell – UC San Diego
Gabrielle Ko – UC Irvine
Tamara Aboumrad – UC Berkeley
Sahar Arghandiwal – Cal State Los Angeles
Alyssa Devine – Marquette University
Amanda Nunes – Fresno State
Marisa Rodrigues – Southeastern Louisiana University
Zoe Rogers-Lemke – Cal State Monterey Bay
Shayda Haddad – UC San Diego
U12 Premier Leadership Project 2012
Allison Hunter
Five of us from U12 Premier worked together to complete our community service project for the RAGE Leadership Program. The five girls are: Allison Hunter, Allison Jenezon, Ashley Cole, Kate Hottinger and Kylie Racer. We decided to do a project to help the local Valley Humane Animal Shelter. As a group we decided to make blankets for the dogs and cats that are waiting to be adopted. We also decided to collect donations for the shelter. On a Saturday after one of our games we went to Valley Humane and talked to them about our project. They had just received 8 rolls of fleece and were very excited that we had 5 girls that could help cut and tie the fleece and make blankets. Additionally we had already purchased fleece for blankets. In all we made 49 blankets! Now every cat will have a blanket to keep even when they get adopted. To help pay for the fleece we bought we sold mistletoe to friends and family and raised enough money to cover the cost.
Trader Joe’s donated 50 brown bags and we printed a wish list from Valley Humane to attach to each bag. We delivered bags to friends and family and asked for donations. In all we collected 28 bags of pet supplies, 4 large bags of cat food, a scratching post, 7 bags of cat litter. $125 cash donations and gift cards to PetFood Express. From now on, Valley Humane Society will have plenty of blankets and supplies!
Allison Jenezon
Hi my name is Allie Jenezon. I am from the U-12 Premier team and I took part in the Rage Leadership Program with Kylie, Ashley, Kate, and Allie H. For our community service project, we decided to focus on the Valley Humane Society. We all got together and made blankets for the animals. In order to pay for the blanket material, we sold mistletoe door to door. We also asked family, friends, and neighbors for donations for the Valley Humane Society. We collected many bags filled with cat toys, dog toys, food, kitty litter, and cleaning supplies. We also collected cash donations. The last thing we did was to deliver the blankets and donated items. We even got to play with the animals in the shelter. The people at the Valley Humane Society were very grateful for all of the hard work we did. We were proud of our accomplishment and glad we could help a worthy organization.
Ashley Cole
During the holiday season many animals that do not have a home are forgotten. My leadership team chose to help the Valley Humane Society to make the holidays better for animals that do not have a home. We worked as a team to figure out what we were going to do to help and then how to do it. We used different ways of communicating to work on the project. In addition to helping the animals, I learned many lessons.
My leadership team had a meeting to decide what we were going to do for a project. Everybody had a chance to give ideas for the project and we made the decision as a group. Once we decided on what to do, we talked about it via email, text messages and meetings.
During one of the meetings we decided we would make blankets and get donations of things that the Valley Humane Society needed. The Valley Humane Society gave us a list of things they needed. We put this list on paper bags and gave them to our family and friends. We also sold mistletoe to raise money to pay for the cloth to make blankets for the animals. We had another meeting after a game and made the blankets.
When the project was done we had gotten a lot of donations for the Valley Humane Society and made a lot of blankets. I learned many lessons doing this project. I learned how to work as part of a group and listen to ideas that other people have. I also learned how to share my ideas with other people. Finally, I learned how to get a project and idea done on time while still doing other things I had to do.
Kate Hottinger
Completing our community service project for the RAGE leadership program was a unique experience. Our group had five people. During the leadership classes we decided together to do our community project to benefit animals in need. There were several different places to donate and we decided to select the Valley Humane Animal Shelter because it was a smaller facility and one of the parents knew the director of the center. During the last two sessions of the leadership program, we started to work on what we could do for the project. We started the planning for our project during these sessions. We all had good ideas and we worked well in class. It was nice to know what we were working on before we left the leadership classes because part of our planning was already done.
As a group, we decided to make fleece blankets for the animals, we weren’t sure how many or what size. We also knew that we wanted to collect pet supplies and donations for the animals. We all met after one of our soccer games and cut and tied pet blankets. We were able to get more fleece donated from the shelter so we made more blankets on our own time. In total, we made 49 blankets. They were different sizes and prints. Some were very little for baby kittens and a few were larger for medium sized dogs. To cover the cost, we sold mistletoe door to door. One of the parents had a friend who donated bushes/branches of mistletoe to our group. We pulled them out, cut them into little bundles and tied red ribbons on the tops of each small branch. We raised almost $70 to pay for the fleece and other supplies.
We also went to Trader Joe’s and asked to have them donate brown paper bags. We attached a flyer of the shelter’s wish list on each bag and we passed them out to family and friends to fill. We also asked for cash donations. I collected a $100 from cash donations and several bags of supplies. We all met at the shelter to drop off our donations, they were very grateful. It was amazing to see how generous people were when it came to donating and helping out the animals and our project. The shelter allowed us to visit all the animals and we spent a lot of time with the dogs and cats in need.
Community project work is hard because it takes time and planning. Not all of the work is fun even though you are with your friends. At times making the blankets was tiring because of the time it took to make the blankets. It was also hard to schedule a meeting time that worked with all of our schedules. In the end, when I saw the actual animals in the shelter, it made me realize that all the hard work and time was worth the effort. I think the project helped me become a better leader because at times it can be challenging to have the same goal and to stay on task just like on the soccer field. You also have to stand up when someone isn’t doing the right thing and leading the team in the wrong direction, just like when we don’t listen to how our coach wants us to approach a game situation. I also learned how there are different ways to be a leader from the class, a leader isn’t someone that speaks the loudest but it can be someone who leads by doing the right thing quietly. I also liked the feeling I had when I left the shelter, I felt that we made a difference.
Kylie Racer
I had a lot of fun doing this leadership project and it taught me a lot. We chose this project because we all love animals and we don’t like to see them homeless and not getting a lot of attention. We continued planning our project after the classes by getting together and talking and meeting. We planned that we were going to make kitty and puppy blankets, and donate food, toys, medicine, litter and much more.
Yes, we were successful! We collected over 40 big bags of stuff for cats and dogs. Also, we made more than 40 blankets.
I learned that not everything revolves around me, and to help others. I am healthy and I have a home; not all animals and people are healthy and have homes so I’m very happy I had the experience to help. My favorite part of this project was to see all the animals and giving them attention. Also my favorite part was basically the whole project! The hardest part was probably collecting everything and telling everyone what this was for and what we were doing. I’m so happy to have gotten this opportunity to do what I did and I hope I will do it again some day and maybe next I will adopt a little homeless animal. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to help and to get closer to my 2nd sisters (my soccer team!) I LOVE LEADERSHIP.
Posted: 1/7/13
The George Mark Children’s House
We are five members of the U12 Orange RAGE soccer team. Our names are Leila Shafi, Abby Fried, Kasey Cring, Sarah Mirr, and Maggie McPeek. For our leadership project, we fundraised for a non-profit organization called the George Mark’s Children’s House. This is a house that serves children that are terminally ill and their families so they can live in a homey atmosphere that provides medical care, while still having fun in a place that is fun loving, yet supportive in a medical manner.
We raised money by starting a bake sale at the Pleasanton farmer’s market, and asking for donations, while advertising this foundation. We also sold baked goods to the people that donated. So far we have raised about $666.00. We plan to keep on raising money for this house until we reach our goal of $1,500.00 or more. According to the foundation, our contribution will help them fulfill their mission for the children and families that they serve.
We worked together by having meetings and get-togethers to make the supplies needed for our two bake sales. We all baked, advertised, and fundraised together. Our inspiration to raise money for this foundation was to help terminally ill children that were just like our friend Zachary who has been to this home. This project helped us realize how fortunate and lucky we are. Zackary’s story touched our hearts and that’s why we wished to help and donate to this foundation.
Posted: 1/7/13
U11 Black Raises Money for Breast Cancer Awareness
Hi, our names are Julia Damiani, Emily Verbeck, Grace French, MacKenzie Wiedel, and Annika Laberge-Shusterman.
We are from the U11 Black Rage soccer team and we are in the Rage leadership program. For our community service project, we chose to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness and the Susan G. Komen Fund. Our group chose breast cancer as our cause because one of our grandmothers was diagnosed with breast cancer over this past summer.
We had a bake sale on November 17 on the corner of Main St. at the farmer’s market in Pleasanton. We made various kinds of cookies, brownies, and muffins. Our group was able to raise $325 for this great organization. During the morning at the farmer’s market, we met many people who were very thankful for what we were doing, including a man who bought numerous baked goods and then donated them back to us to resell and raise more money. We werevery happy to raise money for a great cause and do something fun at the same time. We had a great time in our leadership class and appreciate all the things we learned!
Posted: 12/21/12
Rage U12 Orange Crush Wins the 2012 Mission Valley United Super Cup Tournament
The Pleasanton Rage U12 Flight Orange Crush completed their season by capturing the Mission Valley United Super Cup tournament.
The Orange Crush began Saturday pool play with a 1 – 1 tie against the FC Fremont Flash. The first half was a strong defensive battle on both sides. Kayla Baughman and Emilie Clark led the Orange Crush, but were unable to put the ball past the excellent Flash goalie. At half time, neither team was able to score. The Flash broke through 10 minutes into the second half to take a 1 – 0 lead. Ten minutes later, Jenna Brown scored on an assist by Gracie Ose to knot the game at 1 – 1 and neither team was able to score again. The Orange Crush won their second match 3 – 0, against Adrenaline. Jenna Brown led the way with 2 goals with an assist from Megan Gee in the first half. In the second half, Hana Malar made a determined effort through the Adrenaline defense to score on a through ball from Jenna Brown. On Sunday morning, the Orange crush defeated the Pleasanton Rage team 3 – 0. Jenna Brown scored 2 minutes apart in the first half on another assist from Megan Gee. Mollie McKay completed the scoring in the second half in a scramble in front of the net. Midfielders Lindsey Schroeder and Elisabeth Balicanta kept the offensive pressure all game long. The Orange Crush won pool play and qualified for the championship game.
The Orange Crush went up against the Adrenaline in the title match. Mollie McKay opened up the scoring 10 minutes into the match on an assist a great cross from Megan Gee to lead 1 – 0 at halftime. Marissa Fredricks provided consistent offensive pressure with the help of midfielders led by Gabby Smith, Sammi Ayoob Ahmad, and Marissa Lawrence. The second half was another defensive struggle with neither side able to take advantage. The Orange Crush defense was able shut down the Adrenaline and allowed no shots on goal. The Orange Crush completed their amazing run for a 1 – 0 shutout of the Adrenaline for the championship win.
The defense for Orange Crush was strong once again allowing only one goal the entire tournament. Emma Tsztoo, Noe Jue, and Alyssa Wu led them along with their number one goalie, Jamison Gray.
After the final whistle, the Orange Crush fans were cheering in awe as the team celebrated their championship win with hugs all around.
Coaches Bob Gee, and Cliff Wu most pleased with how much fun and camaraderie the team had. It showed up at each and every game. They played so well as a team and they all contributed towards its success. Congratulations to the Orange Crush for winning the 2012 U12 Mission Valley United Super Cup tournament!
Posted: 12/10/12