Back Row Left to Right: Coach Axel Thibodeau, Emily Wright, Kirsty Brown, Sydney Pandolfo, Lauren Russell, Lucy Holmes, Lilly Ryan, Delaney Bammer, Madison Baxter, Victoria Sanchez, Summer Langsam, Assistant Coach Ray Hoof
Front Row Left to Right: Audrey Goodman, Terra McHone, Natasa Copic, Katie Judson, Keara Greenan, Molly Murphy, Jennifer Waldo Not Pictured (injury): Nicole Zhang

Left to right (visible): Coach Axel Thibodeau, Lilly Ryan, Kirsty Brown, Natasa Copic, Keara Greenan, Madison Baxter, Molly Murphy, Lucy Holmes, Jennifer Waldo, Emily Wright, Coach Ray Hooft, Katie Judson, Summer Langsam
The Pleasanton RAGE U14 Premier team won the West Coast FC Southern California Tournament!! The team defeated Beach FC North in the Championship Game in a stunning PK Shootout after battling to a draw at the end of regulation. They won five consecutive games over two grueling days in sun swept Orange County and secured their championship title late in the evening under the lights on Sunday. They defeated many worthy opponents along the way including a strong West Coast FC Team, two Beach FC teams, the Irvine Slammers, and the Santa Anita Rampage. They are coached by Axel Thibodeau. They were also guided down south by Assistant Coach Ray Hooft. Stephanie Wieger is the age group head coach/technical trainer.