Pleasanton Rage will have open try-outs for the U14, U15, U16, U17 and U18 ECNL teams. Please contact the age group head coach for details.
U14 – Walter Pratte (
U15 – Darin Preszler (
U16 – John Byford (
U17 – Walter Pratte (
U18 – Philippe Blin (
Congratulations to former RAGE player, Bianca Sierra
Congratulations to former RAGE player, Bianca Sierra as she’s heads off to the Women’s World Cup to play for the Mexico. Go Bianca!!
RAGE 2014 Recreational Program Survey Results
RAGE hears you!
Check out the 2014 Recreational survey results to find out what members are saying and how the Rec Program is responding.
Rage U11 Orange ’03 Placed 3rd in the NorCal Premier State Cup Bracket
The Pleasanton Rage U11 Orange 03 team placed 3rd in the NorCal Premier State Cup bracket, wrapping up a very successful U11 season. This team is the only team in their age group with 3 appearances in 3 years in the final four of the NorCal State Cup bracket.

Pictured here after the hard fought, rain-soaked victory over Burlingame are the members of the team (l-r) Kayli Shimanuki, Ava Buckles, Maddie Benson, Isela Ochoa, Isabella Guerrero, Caitlin Currie, Leah Allari, Sophia Minnite, Ashley Belshe, Natalie O’Sullivan, Evette Allari and Maggie Nostrand. The team would like to thank their coach, Tina Estrada, for a great season.
2015 Recreational Spring Soccer U6-U10
Register today for Recreational Spring Soccer – Girls U6, U7, U8, U9 and U10!
Please go to our “Seasonal Programs” page for details on the dates and how to register.
Competitive Spring Soccer
Sign up for competitive Spring Soccer today!
RAGE College Showcase Now Accepting Applications
Go to to register your team today!
RAGE College Showcase is a competitive soccer showcase for girls U9 – U19.
Laps for Lymphoma
Hello! My name is Faith Johnson and I am on the Rage U12 Orange team. For my community service project, I organized a run to raise money for the Lymphoma Research Foundation called, “Laps For Lymphoma!” I used this idea for my project because my grandma passed away from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma recently and I thought that it would be great to do a run in honor of her. I also love to run and it was a great chance to bring the community together for a good cause.
How the run worked was anybody who wanted to participate came to a track and we ran or walked as many laps as we could in an hour. They donated either by pledging an amount of money per lap or giving a flat donation. The run was a huge success and we exceeded my goal of $1,500 that I was hoping to raise! I got 32 donations and the grand total that I collected was… $1,685! It felt so awesome when I totaled up the checks and found out how much I had raised!
Throughout the process, this run has gained lots of meaning for me. When I first decided to organize the run, my grandma was fighting Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. About a week before the run was about to happen, she sadly passed away. A huge part of me was gone, but another part of me was encouraged and inspired to raise lots of money so that nobody else would have to fight the horrible disease. Each check that I received in the mail brought me so much joy and made me remember that I was working for such an important cause. I’m so honored to have been able to have “Laps For Lymphoma” and I hope that I will be able to do it again next year!
Parkview Senior Center
Our team is the U11 Grey team. Our names are Ella Gervasoni, Lauren Reilly, Molly Smith, and Olivia Martin. For our service project we volunteered at the Parkview Senior Center. We brought them cookies, read to them, painted their nails, and plan to make crafts with them in the future.
At first, we were a little nervous about how they might act towards us. But after we met them we realized they were very kind and happy to have us there. They asked us about ourselves and thought we were good readers. We read picture books to them and they told us that we had “good language” and they liked the books that we chose.
One woman named Gale had family that lived locally but when we asked about them and if they visited she said, “No, they don’t”. She was very happy to have young visitors and it made us feel good that we were able to brighten their day just by visiting them and talking to them.
We also met a lady named Manuela who came from Mexico by herself when she was younger. She never married and hasn’t seen any of her family since she moved to California.
We enjoyed being able to work with the seniors and make them happy. We didn’t get to visit as often as we’d like to but we plan to go visit again soon. We can’t wait to go again!