1:01 NAME
1:01:01 This organization shall be known as Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association (PGSA), dba Pleasanton Rage Girls Soccer Club, also referred to as the “Club.” This Club shall exist solely as a non- profit corporation.
1:02:01 Pleasanton RAGE is an all-girls soccer club that empowers its players to reach their full potential through soccer, service, and leadership programming for all ages and abilities.
1:03:01 This Club shall be an affiliated branch of and comply with the authority of the Pleasanton Youth Soccer League (PYSL), California Youth Soccer Association (CYSA), U.S. Club Soccer, United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA), and the United States Soccer Federation (USSF).
1:03:02 This Club shall adhere to conditions set forth by the City of Pleasanton, Department of Parks and Recreation.
1:03:03 This Club shall be governed by its Constitution, Bylaws, General Procedures, and Policy Interpretation Memoranda (PIM) except when superseded by PYSL, CYSA, USYSA, USSF, or U.S. Club Soccer.
1:04:01 Board of Directors. The PGSA Board of Directors shall be composed of the Executive Committee and other elected Directors, but in no case will the Board of Directors be less than five (5) or more than fifteen (15) members. All Board of Director positions shall be voting.
1:04:02 Annual Election. The general membership present and voting at the Annual Election shall elect a slate of no less than five (5) and no more than fifteen (15) Directors from the Membership-At-Large. No more than one-half (1/2) or, in the event of a fraction, one-half (1/2) plus one of the Board of Directors shall be elected in any year. Elected Directors shall serve for a term of two (2) years. There shall be no term limits.
1:04:03 Executive Committee. At the first Board of Directors meeting of the calendar year, the Directors shall elect from their membership a President, Competitive Vice President, Recreational Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary to a one (1) year term. There shall be no term limits.
1:04:04 Qualifications. In order to be eligible for an elected position said member shall not be a board member on any other youth soccer club, shall not coach a team affiliated with any other youth soccer club outside Pleasanton, or be employed by any other youth soccer club. Said member shall not be eligible for re-election if during his/her term of office said Director was removed by reasons of unexcused absences, or for cause, and shall remain ineligible for election for a period of one (1) year.
1:04:05 Members-At-Large. In January, the Executive Committee shall appoint Members-At-Large. Term shall be one (1) year. Duties of all Members-At-Large shall be defined in the Bylaws.
1:04:06 Director of Coaching of Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association. As long as he/she remains employed by, and in good standing with, PGSA, the Director of Coaching shall be an appointed voting member of the Board of Directors. The Director of Coaching position shall not count towards the minimum or maximum number of Board of Directors as stated in Section 1:04:01.
1:04:07 Full-Time Staff of Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association. As long as he/she remains employed by, and in good standing with, PGSA, the Full-Time Staff shall be an appointed voting member of the Board of Directors and shall, collectively, have one (1) vote. This vote is in addition to the one (1) vote held by the Director of Coaching as stated in Section 1:04:06. The Full-Time Staff position shall not count towards the minimum or maximum number of Board of Directors as stated in Section 1:04:01. The Director of Coaching shall be responsible for setting a calendar for attendance of the Full-Time Staff position at Board meetings. The Full-Time Staff shall not be eligible to serve on the Executive Committee.
1:05:01 The general membership of the Club shall be comprised of players registered with the Club, their parent(s) or guardian, the Board of Directors, rostered coaches and assistant coaches. At least 75% of all registered players shall be residents of the City of Pleasanton.
1:05:02 Honorary membership. Upon recommendation of the Board of Directors, honorary memberships may be given to individuals in the community who make a significant contribution to PGSA. Honorary memberships shall be non-voting.
1:06:01 Budget Process and Financial Oversight. The Recreational and Competitive Programs will prepare and submit a budget to the Board annually. Revenues and expenses shared by both Programs (e.g., fields, referees) shall be allocated by a percentage determined to be equitable by the Board. The Club will keep internally separate income statements for both Programs.
1:07:01 The President shall call an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members to be held during the month of October. Public notice of the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting shall be made to the membership at least twenty (20) days before the meeting.
1:07:02 The order of Business, at the Annual General Meeting, shall be as follows:
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Introduction of Guests
- Acceptance of Minutes of the previous AGM
- Summary of Job Description and Progress Report to the General Membership
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Competitive Vice President
- Recreational Vice President
- Program Director
- Technical Director and Technical Staff
- Special Appointments
- Committees
- Unfinished Business
- Amendments to the Constitution
- Proposals for changes to the Constitution
- Vote to adopt Amendments
- Nominations for Elected Positions
- Presentation of Nominations by Nominating Committee Chairperson
- Nominations from the Floor
- New Business
- Adjournment
1:08:01 Amendments to the Constitution shall be voted on at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the membership. Any member in good standing can propose a change(s) to the Constitution. Amendments shall be presented, in writing, to the Board at least sixty (60) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The general membership shall be notified of such proposed amendments at least twenty (20) days prior to the Annual General Meeting at which the proposed amendment will be voted on.
1:08:02 A quorum shall consist of any number of members present at the Annual General Meeting. Each parent of a registered player, each Board of Directors member, each rostered coach and assistant coach, and each player eighteen (18) years or older shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed. No person shall cast more than one (1) vote.
1:08:03 An amendment shall be deemed adopted by an affirmative vote of the majority of the members attending and voting at the Annual General Meeting. Any amendments to the Constitution adopted at the Annual General Meeting shall become effective immediately following the Annual General Meeting unless otherwise stated in the change.
1:08:04 Changes to the Bylaws, General Procedures and PIM shall be adopted at any General Board Meeting by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors. Any member in good standing can propose a change(s) to the Bylaws, General Procedures and PIM.
1:09:01 The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this Club in all cases in which they do not conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of this Club, the California Youth Soccer Association, the United States Youth Soccer Association, and the United States Soccer Federation.
1:10:01 Liquidation, dissolution, or abandonment by the owner, the organization’s assets will be distributed to a fund, foundation, or corporation exclusively organized and operated for religious, hospital, scientific, or charitable purposes.