For our RAGE Leadership Project, we organized a Kids Against Hunger packing event with both of our teams and our big/little sister teams. This project was done by Kylia and Isabella from the 06 Premier and Orange teams. We really appreciate the help from everyone who supported our project. Kids Against Hunger packs a variety of nutritional items into a bag that gets weighed and sealed to be sent to wherever it is needed. The items in the bag consisted of dried vegetables, soy protein, rice, and vitamin powder. We had to measure out all of these items and funnel them into the bag. When we packed the food, we chose to have the food sent to Puerto Rico. We chose Puerto Rico because they had recently suffered from a terrible hurricane. Afterwards, we learned we packed 6,480 meals. It felt good to know how we helped others less fortunate than we are.
– Izzy Montague and Kylia Oki, Rage 2006 – Orange/Premier