Our names are Emma Harbourne, Chloe Yeagly, Ella Patterson and Katie Guerra.  For our service project we collected canned food items and toiletries for those in need.  We chose the victims of the Valley Fire for the canned food donations.  We were so sad for them because they lost everything. The toiletries were donated to the Tri-Valley Haven in Livermore, which is a community resource for adults and children who are homeless or in need.

We started this project by handing out flyers attached to paper bags explaining what we were doing.  We dropped these off to friends, family and neighbors and were amazed at how many toiletries and canned food items we received.  We got together and sorted, counted and organized all of our donations.  We received 430 canned food items (396 pounds!!!) and 680 toiletry items!!!  Most of the toiletry items were soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste and lotion.

Our team is so excited to be a part of this incredible experience and give these items to those who really need it by Christmas.  We had so much fun with this project and realized that if everyone gives a little bit we can make all make a big differenu11grey2ce.