For our RAGE Leadership Community Service Project, we decided to help the kids of Santa Rosa affected by the wildfires. My three teammates and I sponsored several Angel Trees, one per our four schools, by partnering with the Salvation Army of Santa Rosa. The Angel Tree program puts a child’s gift wish on an Angel Tree Tag. We also invited our whole team to participate by distributing 10 tags per player in addition to our 4 Angel Trees. Friends, family, students, and faculty would come and sign out a tag, or tags, buy the requested gift, and return the tag and gift to the tree unwrapped. We would each gather the collected presents weekly for the majority of December and then, on Thursday, December 14, a parent volunteer had to rent a U-Haul truck to deliver all the gifts we collected to the Salvation Army of Santa Rosa for distribution to the needy children. In the end we were able to spread the holiday spirit to over 800 children!
– Sienna, Natalie, Kanjanika, Saili, RAGE 04 Grey