Hi, my name is Tiana Cello and I play for the U-12 Orange RAGE team. For my leadership project I have decided to raise money for my local animal shelter. Instantly, that was my choice because I have a huge love for all types of animals but during the planning of my project I was told of some terrible news. My family member found out she has a rare type of cancer. So, I had decided to split the money between my family member and the animal shelter. I raised the money by bagging up dog treats into bags tied with pink ribbon. Then my parents took me to the dog park, sporting events such as the NorCal State Cup and a local fair to fundraise. Some of my family members donated money too.

My goal was to sell more than 200 bags by the end of the year. Success!! I then took the money I raised to the Manteca Animal Shelter, giving a $100 donation to the manager, and the rest was deposited to my family member’s account @ https://www.gofundme.com/da78876k. Together fundraising over two hundred dollars and reaching my goal! This program/project has motivated me to get out and help. It made me feel so happy after turning in the donations to both my family member and the shelter. I was inspired by all of the RAGE Leadership projects. Now I hope mine will inspire you!