For my service project I decided to volunteer at our local E-Soccer program. It is an organization throughout California that helps kids with mental challenges play soccer and get out of the house in a good environment. I mostly worked with kids from ages four to seven, and it was really gratify to see these kids, and being able to work with them. I felt really blessed seeing how easy my life was compared to the kids and the parents. It was also interesting to see these kids playing the sport I loved, and enjoying it just as much as me. It really brought back memories, or feelings of when I was little and how much I loved to play the game. Because now soccer can sometimes be all about winning, training, and just being the champion player out there that you kind of lose some of the love of the game. However, teaching these kids really reminded me that the game of soccer isn’t about politics but getting out and having fun like I used to. It was interesting to see how the kids could teach you just as much as you could teach them. Also how they were extremely energetic. I also learned some new coaching strategies, and just how you interact with these kids, because yes they are different. You have to teach them differently and treat them differently sometimes, but they do care a lot about the game and having fun. You might have to communicate with these kids differently but I know they are just as intelligent, and wonderful as any other kids you could meet; even if they were a little hard to handle sometimes. It was amazing also seeing so many other helpers coming out to play with them too, I even got my teammate Erin to help out which was really fun, seeing her play with the kids as well. I feel extremely blessed by this because I hope not only did I give something, but I know that I received something from these kids as well. A new found love of the game because of how much you could see they loved being out there, because this was special for them, and they didn’t always get to do it, and it was amazing seeing their energy and the happiness in their eyes when they scored a goal or kicked a ball; something I will always remember and cherish.

Amanda Chun



Posted: 1/5/12